Youth and Sports are close to completing the rehabilitation of sports facilities in Raqqa

Mazloum Hammo (the co-chair of the Youth and Sports Committee in the Democratic Civil Administration of Raqqa) stated to the official Autonomous Administration website that the work of the existing committee began at the beginning of this month, which is to activate professional courses and first aid in partnership with the Health Committee, in which 20 people participated, and its duration was ten days. In addition to an emergency response course such as fires and drowning cases, which accompanies the first aid course, in which 14 people participated, and its duration is one week, and computer courses that include learning to use Microsoft programs such as Excel and Word for a month, attended by 20 people, and they are continuing.

The committee organized a sewing course for young women, in which 15 young women joined, and it is nearing completion.

Regarding the Sports Union, the Popular Neighborhoods Football League has activated the men’s football category in the city of Raqqa, which is in the quarter-finals, and will launch the rural popular neighborhoods championship next month, starting in the villages of Al-Salhabiya and Al-Qahtaniyah in the west and then Al-Karama in the east, and in partnership with the Education Committee in Raqqa, the Sports Union The Teachers League is played at the Euphrates Stadium.

The Sports Federation in Raqqa continues to equip stadiums and provide free sports supplies for the tournaments and tournaments held, in addition to offering prizes to the teams that win the finals, and opened the Al-Furat Club swimming pool.

The Youth and Sports Committee in the Civil Administration of Raqqa seeks to rehabilitate and equip all sports facilities, such as the municipal stadium, hexagonal stadiums, and the equestrian city.

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